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Next Social Events
We frequently plan social events and flyouts for like minded people to come together and have a good time.
We have a regular social gathering every three months. This allows us all to relax and unwind with clients and friends. Everyone is welcome. These relaxed affairs are normally on the first Friday of the month every quarter, starting with March.
We also aim to do at least two flyouts per year. If you are at all interested in these then please just drop us a line and we'll add you to our mailing list when the time comes.
Previous Social Events
This is where you'll find write ups of some of our previous social occasions that we've held. These are normally on our quarterly newsletter which you can sign up for above, but sometimes there is just too much to say for it to all fit on the newsletter!?!
Le Mans Flyout - 11th to 14th June 2016
After lots of planning or booking everything was in place for four aircraft flyout to Le Mans over the weekend. Then last minute someone bent an R44 that we were to borrow. Lots of rushed phone calls and thankfully Peter Faulding came to the rescue and allowed us to borrow his machine. Thanks Peter!
Lifting from a private field near Steyning on the Saturday morning the weather all looked good and we had a lovely flight across the channel to Le Touquet for lunch.
French burgers consumed it was on southwards to Le Mans. We had some pretty poor weather in the last few miles and ended up creeping in to the airfield at a somewhat lower level than was ideal.
Once there and after a great meal a heavy night on the town took ensued. Some of the revellers not getting back until close to breakfast time! On to the circuit for our back paddock access with Team Jota. This was utterly fantastic with all the team members making us feel welcome and giving us plenty of time to answer all our questions.
The Sunday night was once a gain a little messy for some, whereas others took to their beds a little earlier this time.
The return leg to Rouen went well, but during lunch the weather deteriorated and we had to wait a couple of hours for the weather. Some used this lul to catch up on some sleep. Once airbourne again the weather just got better and better as we crossed back to blighty.
This was a fantastic flyout with various calls to do the same again next year.
You can see some more of the pictures we've taken on our Instagram Page or you can view our gallery page where you'll see some of our favourite images.